White Fillings in South Yarra

Tooth decay is a process in which the tooth structure breaks down to form a cavity.

Unfortunately, this is a common problem which can occur on any surface of any tooth. It is caused by a combination of plaque bacteria and sugars in our diets. Maintaining good oral hygiene and reducing sugar in your diet are the best ways to reduce the risk. If a cavity is detected early, it can be fixed with a filling. Unfortunately, once a tooth has a cavity, the cavity steadily gets larger and deeper, so late detection often relates to pain and results in more complicated treatment.

White Fillings

At The Dentists we use a tooth-coloured white filling material called composite resin. For each individual filling we select the colour of the filling to match your tooth colour. This way we can maintain / restore your unique smile. The range of colours available for high quality filling materials is very large. They are specially formulated to provide the correct optics for the replacement of both the inner dentine and the outer enamel of your tooth. These high-end materials are bonded to your tooth, which means we can keep your filling as small as possible. There is no need to cut mechanical retention into your tooth as was the case with the metal fillings of yesteryear.

White filling material (composite resin) is ideal for small to medium fillings and in these situations has been proven to be extremely reliable. If you need a particularly large filling, a ceramic inlay might be recommended. A ceramic inlay differs from a filling in that it is made outside of your mouth: it is custom milled using CADCAM. The inlay is then bonded into your cavity using a special cement made from composite resin. Like high quality white fillings, an inlay will also blend seamlessly with your natural tooth.

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